Monday, October 5, 2015

Marybeth Scotto

Heavy Rain

Our group searched heavy rain in Richmond Co. and observed that there were 18 heavy rains from January 1st, 1994 - January 1st 2014.                

Many areas of the country are at heightened risk for flooding due to heavy rains. This excessive amount of rainfall can happen anytime throughout the year, putting your property at risk. 

Heavy Rains 

Marybeth Sottto; Denisa Zekthi

What Is A Flood?

Image result for staten island floods

Hylan Boulevard

Our group researched floods that have occurred in Staten Island, New York between January 1st 1994 and January 1st 2015.

Flash Floods in Staten Island

New York- Richmond County- Flash Floods
Flash Floods are sudden local flooding which typically due to heavy rain. Anywhere in the world that experiences rain is at risk for flash floods, specifically areas which are densely populated and areas that are near rivers.

Streams through cities and towns are routed underground into storm drains. During heavy rain, the storm drains can become overwhelmed and flood roads and buildings. Low spots, such as underpasses, underground parking garages, and basements can become death traps.

Based on our analysis, June and September are the two months in which Flash Floods are most likely to occur. Flash Floods are known to occur anywhere at anytime. They usually form after an intense storms.

For more information:
Noelle Brennan, Kristen Sleight, Natalie Tamarez, Kristen Doherty

South Dakota Thunderstorm with 80mph+ wind gusts [Nature at it's worst]

South Dakota Thunderstorm with 80mph+ wind gusts [Nature at it's worst]

Hail storms

Hail Storms

Staten Island, New York - Richmond County

Severe weather conditions: Caused by atmospheric moisture, lift and instability.

What is Hail?

Hail is a form of precipitation that falls from the sky as small pieces of ice often spherical shape. The size of the ice can range from the size of a pea to the size of a grapefruit. Hail storms are damaging to crops and annually can cause over 1 billion dollars of damage!

Hail forms as a result of strong updrafts common in severe weather systems.

Hail can be very dangerous at times. Hail storms usually occur with a severe thunderstorm which can at times cause tornadoes!

Heavy Snow

What Determines Heavy Snow?

Heavy snow is classified as four inches or more in 12 hours or less, or six inches or more in 24 hours or less.


    • Jessica found an awesome link on safety tip that can be followed during heavy snow! Take a look! Safety Tips

    • Jennifer looked up data on the following website! Take a look! Weather Data
Video of flood in Staten Island

Thunderstorm winds

Group- Schoer, Gentile, Truscelli, Helmy, Vega

Our group explored Thunderstorm winds in Richmond from 1994-2014. Within 20 years, we discovered the common months that Thunderstorm winds occurred in September and July. The probability that thunderstorm winds will occur in September is 55% and in July 45%.

You will investigate severe weather conditions assigned to your group:
1. Flash Flood
2. Flood
3. Hail
4. Heavy rain
5. Lightning
6. Thunderstorm Storm

Notes on procedure:
1. You will work in groups of 3-4.
2. Complete Internet research to learn more about the specific ?severe weather condition assigned to your group.
3. Follow procedure in your lab manual to complete the activity.
4. Post on Severe Weather Blog findings from your research (see instructions on the blog):
- state and severe weather condition assigned to your group. 1st person in group will start the post - title based on the weather condition you are investigating.
 - every person in the group has to add to the post (either comments, more information, pictures, videos, etc.)
- based on your data analysis explain in which two months this weather condition is most likely to happen in this particular state
- provide short narrative about severe weather condition,images and links to URL where we can learn more about this weather condition