Monday, October 5, 2015

Heavy Snow

What Determines Heavy Snow?

Heavy snow is classified as four inches or more in 12 hours or less, or six inches or more in 24 hours or less.


    • Jessica found an awesome link on safety tip that can be followed during heavy snow! Take a look! Safety Tips

    • Jennifer looked up data on the following website! Take a look! Weather Data


  1. The severe weather we researched was heavy snow in state of New York over twenty years. In the months of December and January, heavy snow was most likely to occur. In the month December, the total number of heavy snow occurred 5 times over the past 20 years. The probability that heavy snow occurred was 21%. In the month of January, the total number of heavy snow occurred 7 times over the span of 20 years. The probability that heavy snow occurred was 29%.

    1. Awesome research Jennifer! What website did you collect your data from? Let me know so I can post for the rest of the class to see!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Heavy snow occurs during the winter months. We compared December and January from 1995 to 2015. During these months we must be prepared and below is a link for safety tips during the winter.

    1. Thank you for the helpful link Jessica! Will post for the rest of the class to see! Safety tips are vital during severe weather!
