Monday, October 5, 2015

Hail storms

Hail Storms

Staten Island, New York - Richmond County

Severe weather conditions: Caused by atmospheric moisture, lift and instability.

What is Hail?

Hail is a form of precipitation that falls from the sky as small pieces of ice often spherical shape. The size of the ice can range from the size of a pea to the size of a grapefruit. Hail storms are damaging to crops and annually can cause over 1 billion dollars of damage!

Hail forms as a result of strong updrafts common in severe weather systems.

Hail can be very dangerous at times. Hail storms usually occur with a severe thunderstorm which can at times cause tornadoes!


  1. Based on our findings, the probabilities of events in the months of August and May can be expressed as common fractions because they are all the same. They both had one occurrence out of eleven in twenty years.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 6. Based on your findings, when is hail most likely to occur in Richmond County?

    Based on our findings, hail storms are most likely to occur in the month of July. Over the past 20 years, 4 out of the 11 hale storms in Richmond County occurred in July. Hail storms are least likely to occur in January, February, April, September, October, November, and December. This is concluded because over the past 20 years there has been 0 hail storms during these months.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The regions of the U.S. that you can expect tornadoes are East of the Rocky Mountains, the Great Plains, Midwest, Mississippi Valley, and Southern U.S. Tornadoes are most common in the Spring because this season is a transitional period for the climate, therefore there are more chances of cooler air meeting with warmer air. On the other hand, tornadoes are least common in the Winter.

    Hurricanes are expected in the Atlantic Ocean between June 1st- November 30th. In the Pacific Ocean, they begin around May 15- November 30th. This is because of a difference in water temperatures between the East and the West Coast. The East Coast provides warm water which maintains a hurricane.

    The regions in the U.S that can expect winter storms are in the East Coast and Mid West. Winter storms obtain their energy from different temperatures who have different air masses that collide.

    Floods are expected to occur anytime. They are more likely to occur in coastal areas with low laying land (Georgia, Massachusetts, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, California, Louisiana, and Florida).
